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"There is no single effort more radical in its potential for saving the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children."

                            - Marianne Williamson

Peaceful Parenting for you!

  • Do you want your child to WANT to cooperate, without yelling, bribes, threats or punishment?


  • Would you like to connect more with your child to build a stronger, sweeter bond instead of struggling for control?


  • Do you want to raise kids who grow up into happy, considerate, responsible, competent people?


  • Do you consider yourself to be using some or all of the practices of “attachment” parenting, and want an experienced resource to consult about the challenges that emerge with each stage?


  • Do you want to know how to raise a 21st century kid using eternal values?


  • Do you want to feel more inspired and confident as a parent?


What are the Benefits?

Parenting is tough, but it isn't complicated. Give yourself the support you deserve, to be the parent you want to be!

  • You'll be happier and more relaxed.


  • Your family life will be more meaningful and fun. Connecting puts the sweetness back into parenting.


  • You'll raise ethical, emotionally intelligent kids who are happy, considerate, self-disciplined, responsible, and likable -- without ever having to punish!


  • You'll give your kids a real childhood while still preparing them for 21st century life.


  • You and your kids will have a close, loving relationship for the rest of your life.


  • Your kids will be happier, more cooperative , and well-adjusted -- a joy to parent, most of the time.

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